Teaching Procedures

One-Step Equations Multimedia Lesson Plan Teaching Procedures


  1. Using the attached power point introduce the lesson (Note the outlined format of the power point is below, as an alternate presentation, if there are technical difficulties.  All parts can be implemented using a white/chalk board).  This power point includes a review of prerequisite knowledge (slides 2 and 3, with links to more online review- Teacherschoice.com and math.com).  Vocabulary includes review of the following words:
    1.  Variable
    2. Constant
    3.  Coefficient
    4.  Simplifying expressions
      1. During this review, allow students to raise their hands or come to the board to answer the questions.  Management strategies: Have students use a hand signal, “thumbs-up/thumbs-down” for example, and/or use proximity and/or remind entire class of expectations during whole group instruction.
  2. Continue with the lesson with the pre-assessment, included in the power- point and as a worksheet (see below).  Students should be given five minutes to take the pre-assessment and then view the answers, on the power point, with the entire class.  Have students log their score at the bottom of the sheet.
    1. During this time, students should not speak or work with other students.  Remind students that you will use this information to help them because it will tell you what students really understand about the topic.  Management strategies: Remind students this pre-assessment is not for a grade but should be completed to receive full credit.  You may decide the value points.
  3. Review Answers with students and have them to log their score on their pre-assessment worksheet. Review steps for solving a one-step equation and examples with students who missed more than one problem on the pre-assessment or who need more review (See Below). Students who passed the pre-assessment with 4/4 may continue with the online practice (See next step). 
  4. Have students to work individually to complete the practice problems (formative assessment).  Students should go to the following website to complete an e-workbook assignment (http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/algebra_1_2011_na/resources/htmls/ml_hsm_alg1_eWorkbook/index.html).  Once on the website, students should click on chapter 3, then lesson 3.1.  This will load an electronic worksheet in another window.  There are 15 problems.  If this e-worksheet does not load, have students to complete the following problem (alternate assignment) at their desk:
    1. 9 = -3 + x (x=12)
    2. 8 = u/6 (u = 48)
    3. 1 = b -15 (b=16)
    4. 88 = -11s (s=-8)
    5. 49 = -7a (a=-7)
    6. -15 = 11 – v (v=26)
    7. 9 = b/-18 (b=-162)
    8. -155 + y = 25 (y=175)
      1. During this time, students should raise their hand if they have questions or need assistance.   Management strategies: Students who are meeting expectations (on-task) can receive good-behavior tickets.  Students should be reminded of the expectations during individual work (work quietly, raise hands to ask questions, be respectful of others).
  5. After completing the practice problem (online or paper, alternate), students can be directed to the following website (http://www.math-play.com/One-Step-Equation-Game.html) ‘Hoop Shoot’ for enrichment (formative assessment).  Use Equation Flash Cards as an alternate assignment.  The rules are as follows:
    1. Create 30 or 40 index cards by taking two cards at time and writing the letter on the back or each.  For example, the first two cards would be labeled ‘A’, second two, ‘B,’ and so forth.
    2. Each card should have a different equation, which both have the same answer.
    3. Students will then pick their card and find their partner.  They would then work together to solve their equations.  They should write their problem down and show the work. 
    4. Have the students to do several rotations of index cards to ensure they have practice with more than one operation.
      1. During this time, work with their partner only and if they need assistance, raise their hand.   Management strategies: Students who are meeting expectations (on-task) can receive good-behavior tickets, homework passes, or positive letters home.  Students should be reminded of the expectations during this assignment (talk to your partner, raise hands to ask questions, be respectful of others, and any conversation should be about the assignment).  Read more: Activities for Solving Equations | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8595631_activities-solving-equations.html#ixzz1gA20iQxh
  6. Student Slide show (Summative Assessment):
    1. Students are required to create a power-point slide show to demonstrate their understanding of the topic and use of technology.  There is a scoring guide included (see below).  The assignment is worth 20 pts. Students will be assessed on the following criteria: organization (logical presentation of information), content knowledge (demonstration of understanding of topic), visuals (graphics, clip-art, hyperlinks), mechanics (correct spelling and grammar), and delivery (audience is able to hear and understand words as they are spoken).
  7. Students should use the power-point template to complete the assignment.  They have to complete each slide in the power-point that covers the following information:
    1. What is a one-step equation?
    2. The parts of a one-step equation
    3. Important vocabulary
    4. How to solve a one-step equation
    5. Practice
    6. Solution to practice problems
    7. Things to remember
    8. Additional resources (students should locate an online resource and a page in their textbook and include this information in their presentation)
  8. Students will have 5to 7 minutes to present their slideshow to the class. 
  9. Afterwards, the teacher and their peers will evaluate them.  Their score will be an average their peer evaluations.  The peer average is combined with the teacher’s evaluation and averaged to determine their final score.
  10. Equation Game (Alternate Summative Assignment):
    1. Draw a table on the board (5 x 4).  Label the columns addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and ‘who am I?’  Label the rows $100, $200, $300, and $400.  See below:





Who am I?






















  1. Students can then play to win play money.  For each correct answer, they will receive the appropriate dollar amount.
  2. Create index cards for each category with four levels of difficulty.  The index cards for the ‘Who am I?’ category should reflect the vocabulary from the power point.
  3. Students should document their answers on a sheet of paper and show work for all problems. 
  4. Every student should write each problem then raise their hand to be called upon before showing their answer to the teacher.  After the teacher has determined the answer is correct, move on with the next question. 
  5. At the end of the process, after completing all categories, students must turn in their paper for grading.   Return work to students.  Students who need more practice can review tutorials or notes from the power point and receive additional practice to complete at home. 
  6. Students who earn money during the game can win inexpensive prizes, such as candy or trinkets, which they can buy with their play money.  Read more: Math Games for One-Step Equations | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5447776_math-games-onestep-equations.html#ixzz1gAOUFgE4



Prerequisite Technology Knowledge Resources

  1. Power  point hand-out (See below)
  2. Online Tutorial-Creating your first presentation (Microsoft Office website): http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/create-your-slides-RZ010186615.aspx?section=2


Formative Assessments

  1. Pre-assessment (Power Point: See notes below)
  2. Online Practice Problems: (http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/algebra_1_2011_na/resources/htmls/ml_hsm_alg1_eWorkbook/index.html
  3. Online Hoop-it Practice: (http://www.math-play.com/One-Step-Equation-Game.html)

Summative Assessment

  1. Student slideshow from a power-point format (See summative assessment tab).


Alternative Assignment

  1. Alternate Assignments are addressed in component of the lesson plan.  (See sections above).














One-Step Equations Pre-Assessment


  1. Solve the following equations:
  1. t-4 = 10


  1. 7x = 21



  1. n/-3 = 18



  1. 8+x = 13



My score: _____ correct out of 4 =  / 





Practice Questions:


  1. 9 = -3 + x   
  2. 8 = u/6   
  3. 1 = b -15   
  4. 88 = -11s  
  5. 49 = -7a
  6. -15 = 11 – v  
  7. 9 = b/-18
  8. -155 + y = 25   

















One-Step Equations Power Point



Name: ________________________



Date of Presentation: ____________

Title of Work: ___________________












Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.

Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around.

Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow.

Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.


Content Knowledge

Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject.

Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.

Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate.

Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration.



Student used no visuals.

Student occasional used visuals that rarely support text and presentation.

Visuals related to text and presentation.

Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation.



Student's presentation had four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation had three misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.



Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear.

Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation.

Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly.

Student used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.








Teacher Comments


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Steps for Solving a One-Step Equation 

  1. When solving a one-step equation, REMEMBER  the following:
    1. Identify the operation in equation
    2. Identify the inverse operation
    3. Perform inverse operation to remove the number closest to the variable and isolate the variable
    4. Solve for the variable




Equation: x - 6  = 25

1. Identify the operation in the equation:


2. Identify the inverse operation:


3. Perform inverse operation on both sides of equation to isolate the variable.  Remove the number closest to the variable.

Add 6 to both sides

x - 6 = 25

   +6    +6


4. Solve for the variable

x  = 21




Equation:  n = 6


1. Identify the operation in the equation:


2. Identify the inverse operation:


3. Perform inverse operation on both sides of equation to isolate the variable.  Remove the number closest to the variable.

Multiply by 6 on both sides

   (3)n = 6(3)


4. Solve for the variable

   n = 18


Equation: 2xm = 32

1. Identify the operation in the equation:


2. Identify the inverse operation:


3. Perform inverse operation on both sides of equation to isolate the variable.  Remove the number closest to the variable.

Divide by  2 on both sides

   2m = 32

    2       2    

4. Solve for the variable

m  = 16


Equation: c + 8  = 13

1. Identify the operation in the equation:


2. Identify the inverse operation:


3. Perform inverse operation on both sides of equation to isolate the variable.  Remove the number closest to the variable.

Subtract 8 from both sides

c + 8 = 13

    - 8     -8


4. Solve for the variable

C = 5



















































Solving Equations Power-Point Outline Notes

  1. Variable
    • In the expression what is the variable? x – 5
      • X ___
      • 5 ___
    • What is the definition of a variable?
      • A letter that represents an unknown ___
      • A special code for math ____
  2. Constant
    • What is the definition a constant?
      • A number whose value does not change ____
      • A number whose value constantly changes ____
    • In the expression what is the constant? y + 3
      • y ___
      • 3 ___
      • Coefficient
    • What is the definition of a coefficient?
      • The number directly in front of the variable that tells that the number and variable are being multiplied ___
      • The number on the back of the algebra book ____
    • Prerequisite Knowledge
  • In the expression what is the coefficient? 3x – 5
    • 3 ___
    • X ___
    • 5 ____

4.  Expression

  • What is the definition of an expression?
    • One or more algebraic terms in a phrase that can include a variable, constant  and an operating symbol (does not contain an equal sign) ____
    • A special way of writing really heard math problems ____

5. Simplifying Expressions

  • What does it mean to simplify an expression?
    • Combining like terms using operations to make a simplified, smaller expression
    • Breaking down the problem and making it longer
  • Pre-Assessment

Solve the following equations:

  1. t-4 = 10
  2. 7x = 21
  3. n/-3 = 18
  4. x + 8 = 13
  • Pre-Assessment Answers
  1. t = 14
  2. x = 3
  3. n = -54
  4. x = 5

My score: _____ correct out of 4 =   /

  • Vocabulary
  1. One-step equation
    1. A one-step equation is a mathematical statement that states that two expressions are equal.  It includes one operation and requires one operation to solve.
  2. Inverse Operation
    1. An inverse operation is an operation that undoes another operation or the opposite operation.
      1. Addition is the inverse or opposite of subtraction
      2. Multiplication is the inverse or opposite of division
  3. Isolate the variable
    1. When we use perform an inverse operation we are isolating the variable to solve for its value.
  4. Solve for the variable
    1. When we solve for the variable, we find the numerical value for that variable.

I. Example of a one-step equation:

             x + 5 = 15

II. Example of an inverse operation:

  1. 10 + 4 = 14

         14 – 4 = 10

III. Example of isolating the variable:

  1. x + 5 = 15

            -5  = -5

IV. Example of solving for the variable:

  1. x + 5 = 15

            -5  = -5

          x     =  10